2024 Annual State Conference


ND EPSCoR will be holding our Annual Conference on Thursday, November 21, at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks. We hope to see you there.




The 2023 Annual State Conference was held on March 29, 2023.

To review:

Keynote Address: "Project Accessibility: A Conversation About DeMystifying Science"

For several decades the scientific community has been talking about the “leaky pipeline” in the STEM fields and how we recruit and retain a diversity of participants in our various scientific pursuits. And yet we continue to have a lack of understanding about how inaccessible many find most STEM fields.  But there are several key strategies that we can easily employ in our work that can change the current paradigm. So let’s discuss!

About Annalies Corbin

Dr. Annalies Corbin is the Chief Goddess, President & CEO the PAST Foundation. In 2000, Dr. Corbin founded the PAST Foundation, an organization she envisioned could lead the way to connecting scientific research with classrooms, schools and communities. From 2000-2006, Annalies concurrently led the PAST Foundation and taught at East Carolina University’s Program in Maritime Studies. In 2005, when PAST opened its headquarters in Columbus, Annalies turned all efforts to building the PAST Foundation, assembling a team that could grow the reach and mission of linking learning to life.

Read more about Dr. Corbin